Nextbot Chase

15 USD
  • Permanent
Premium Membership

This package will give you the Premium role in game, this gives you:

✔️[Premium] tag in the chat ✔️Premium role on discord [Type in the get-role channel] ✔️Access to the /myboat command, which lets you spawn your own personal airboat! (Use /noboat to remove it)

NOTE: This command is only enabled on certain maps, and there is a max amount of airboats that can be spawned in at once.
✔️50,000 points in the pointshop [type /points in game chat]
✔️DOUBLE POINTS every 10 minutes and per win
(200 points/10 min and 1000 points/win)
(normally 100 points/10 min and 500 points/win)
✔️20% off ALL POINTSHOP ITEMS ✔️Exclusive playermodels and accessories ✔️NO LOSS OF POINTS when selling items
✔️Exclusive followers in the pointshop ✔️Customize your name color in chat with the !col command ✔️75% OFF Jukebox Songs
(75 points, normally 300)
✔️Any future features that may be added to the package
You must be signed in before purchasing!